Your grace is given me, I claim it now.
As I write this title down, I feel a pull on my heart. Yes, God, I am present.
[Thank you so much for blessings you bring to my children. It is time to light this place up!]
What would you have me do?
[Teach this work.]
Please help me.
“Your grace is given me. I claim it now.”
I choose to remain in Your grace and to step forward as You inspire.
“Our faith lies in the Giver, not our own acceptance.”
Help me to see past ‘me’, past my fears and apprehensions, and just flow in the grace I know You will provide. _/\_
[ ] denotes conversation with HS.
“His grace His answer is to all despair, for in it lies remembrance of His Love.”
Grace has had my attention the last few days. On Thursday, in conversation with my eldest about the Enneagram, she said that Type 1’s seek a field of grace. I hadn’t thought of my search for perfection in this way.
Today, in the CAC Daily Meditation, it described Namaste as “when I am in that place of the Divine in me and you are in that place of the Divine in you, there is only one of us.”
The ‘place of the Divine in us’ is the field of grace.
“Your grace is given me. I claim it now.”
It is in me and in my loved ones.
This day I prepare to travel, leaving loved ones behind. I walk in grace with Love as my traveling companion.
Who walks with me?
This question makes me feel light and supported.