ACIM Lesson 167 notes.

There is one life and that I share with God.


“A sleeping mind must waken, as it sees its own perfection mirroring the Lord of Life, so perfectly it fades into what is reflected there.”

I woke up twelve years ago to the knowing that I was an eternal soul. I became a seeker of understanding this eternal Self. My understanding grew in knowing more about me (spirit), God (Mind), and All That Is (body).

Here, I have listed divided parts and yet they are all me and all God. Perhaps this being will soon tire of the game and fade back into Oneness.


“We share one life because we have one Source, a Source from which perfection comes to us, remaining always in the holy minds which He created perfect. As we were, so are we now and will forever be. A sleeping mind must waken, as it sees its own perfection mirroring the Lord of life so perfectly it fades into what is reflected there. And now it is no more a mere reflection. It becomes the thing reflected, and the light which makes reflection possible. No vision now is needed. For the wakened mind is one that knows its Source, its Self, its Holiness.”

As an Enneagram type 1, having the need for perfection, I was drawn in by this last paragraph of the lesson.

What is God’s creation? God’s will is perfect Love. All else that we get caught up in, of this world, is of our making.

“Every experience on the physical, astral, or mental plane is just a dream before the soul.” ~Hazrat Inayat Khan (Bowl of Saki email this day.)

I seek the security of God’s perfect place so I can fear no more. The Course tells me to follow God’s will. I agree to this and ask for help in each moment.

_/\_ Amen.


“A sleeping mind must awaken, as it sees its own perfection mirroring the Lord of Life so perfectly it fades into what is reflected there … it becomes the thing reflected.”

Is death in charge or is Love?

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