ACIM Lesson 117 notes.

Review of lessons 103 & 104.


103] God, being Love, is also happiness.

104] I seek what belongs to me in truth.

Love is within me, is me. Therefore, joy and happiness are innate. They are in there, under all the clutter, waiting to be revealed. Remember!

We are here, as students of the Course “removing the blocks to the awareness of Love’s presence”. (ACIM Introduction)

I thought of Robert teaching about our ‘joy ball’ back in my first year with Everyday Miracles. And I found the poem that I wrote last July entitled, ‘Joy Ball’.

I love knowing that joy has been with me all along.


[103] God, being Love, is also happiness.

“I choose to entertain no substitutes for love.”

[104] I seek but what belongs to me in truth.

I accept happiness, light, joy, peace, and strength – the gifts God’s Love bestows on me.


103 – God, being Love, is also happiness.

“And so, I choose to entertain no substitutes for Love.”

This quote says to me that Love is primary to my life. I need to put aside worries about my life to feel the Love in life, to see the Love in life, and smell, taste, hear the Love in life.

My life is blessed. I have been saying this routinely as of late. This means that Love is present and flowing through me.

I am blessed. I am with Love.

104 – I seek but what belongs to me in truth.

Love and joy are my inheritance.

“Love is my heritage.”

God is Love and has always been Love. We’ve been like those young adults who need to separate from the parents, perhaps even disappear for a while, to try out life for themselves.

We turned away. God remained loving.

(Big Ah-ha, the Prodigal Son parable tells the story of humanity!)

Once we’ve tried things our way, to test the good and the bad, we are ready to return to the parents and settle into a loving community.


Just had the thought that Christ Jesus brought ACIM to us in this extensive, robust form as it is right for this time period of great focus on intelligence.

(They want deep study and concepts – I’ll give them thousands of pages of deep concepts! LOL!)

In Jesus’ time, a parable was enough to get the concepts through.

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