ACIM Lesson 252 notes.

The Son of God is my identity.


The Child of God is my identity.

Upon reading this title, my mind told me that this is what I have been coming to understand, and then to accept, from all of the insightful lessons of this year. My heart lifts as I think of all the beautiful lessons that have brought me back into the flow of Love, as well as the ones that inspire me to stay there.

I am holy indeed. I am as God created me.


“… holy beyond all the thoughts of holiness …”

Another beautiful lesson …

Nowadays, it’s easy for me to say, ‘I am blessed’. I have never said of myself, ‘I am holy’. Being blessed, for me, is that I have been given good things by God. Being holy indicates my identity, as this lesson tries to move us toward accepting.

I have declared, ‘Holy Child of God!’ But this feels like a hope for another gift I am waiting for God to grant.

Am I holy?

What the lesson describes, ‘shimmering and perfect purity is far more brilliant than is any light that I have every looked upon’, I believe is within me because I come from a creative Source that is such things.

My thoughts have just returned to my notes from lesson 250 and my reflection of seeing others with subjective or objective perception. A new thought has formed …

God gives voice to me. He holds me as a sacred creation; therefore, I am holy.


This is truth! And still, I think I know differently.

I re-read Richard Rohr’s (CAC) daily meditation of yesterday, ‘Living with the Grail Experience.’

“We know the truth, even though we can never live up to it. Hence forward, the only sin would be to deny that it is the truth. Trying to live up to it is the rest of the Grail journey.” CAC 9-8-2022

I am not even trying to live up to the truth that I am a Holy Child of God. Can’t be true. My little self knows better than God and these words given by Jesus. Help!

How do I get there?

As the quote says, I will not deny the truth, that God is everything, but still, I am in control of me. I think I am separate for God. He is not my creator, and I am not beloved.

These words are false. I will take a step forward to declare:

  • I hope I am a child of God! (That feels good.)
  • I believe I am a child of God. (My logic supports this belief – it knows God created everything.)
  • I know I am the child of God. (I said this 3 times to myself and it feels OK.)

The thought came that being the child of God holds some responsibility. Perhaps this is how I get past my worldly behaviors? I need to step up.

Is feeling separate just an excuse to do what we want? To be in this world and just sin away …

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