ACIM Lesson 156 notes.

I walk with God in perfect holiness.


“As you step back, the light in you steps forward and encompasses the world.”

As I step back, the light in me steps forward and encompasses the world.


I feel gladness and gratitude, to give way to the light of Love; for it to lead me as It flows out into this world.

God is Love, therefore when Love is with me , God is with me. The light that Love expresses through me is perfect holiness.

“I walk with God in perfect holiness. I light the world; I light my mind and all minds which God created one with me.”


“Who walks with me?” It is I, your beloved Father.

“Who walks with me?” The one who created all you see.

“Who walks with me?” The stars that shine upon the heavens.

“Who walks with me?” Light, Love, peace, joy, strength.

“Who walks with me?” It is I (One being forever and ever).

“Who walks with me?” All of creation.

“Who walks with me?” Your brothers and sisters in Christ.



“The light in you is what the universe longs to behold.”

A beautiful lesson or ‘Love letter’.

Who walks with me? I ask and feel the presence of Love.

Who walks with me?

My joy increases … so lovely.

“I walk with God in perfect holiness. I light the world, I light my mind and all The minds which God created one with me.”

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