ACIM Lesson 149 notes.

Review of lessons 137 & 138


“My mind holds only what I think with God.”

137] When I am healed, I am not healed alone.

“Sickness is a retreat from others, and a shutting off of joining.”

Lately, I notice very quickly what I am resisting God’s will. (aka … what my True Self is trying to tell me.)

Discomfort, pain, or tension indicate that I should notice and take a different action. When I turn away from my guidance I turn from Oneness, therefore I turn from others. The aches and pains are telling me that I am blocking Love’s flow. When I am in Love’s flow, I am healed and then flow the Love into this world. This allows others to feel and choose Love as well.

138] Heaven is the decision I must make.

“In this insanely complicated world, Heaven appears to take the form of choice, rather than merely being what it is.”

In breakout group yesterday, we discussed joy and I said I believe that joy is innate and that we just have to remove all of the junk holding it down. Is Heaven like this? Is it always here but we just cover it with junk?

It must be as the flow of Love is always here. I just get to choose to flow with it or to resist it. This is how this one choice, to choose Heaven, resolves all others. We choose to flow along in the River of Love and let go. I allow for things to be as God wills.


“My mind holds only what I think with God.”

137] When I am healed, I am not healed alone.

I recently heard of a man, who through a miraculous experience, has become a healer. As I listened to his story I felt empowered. I thought, ‘if he can do this so can I’.

‘What is in one is in the whole.’


Blessed Holy children of God.

138] Heaven is the decision I must make. (We.)

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