ACIM Lesson 138 notes.

Heaven is the decision I must make.


The lesson speaks of heaven and hell; one real and one an illusion.

“We recognize we make a conscious choice between what has existence and what has nothing but an appearance of the truth.”

“Creation knows no opposite.”

All that is can only exist by the Loving intention of God/Source – the outpouring of Love is the energy of everything. Hell is the creation of human minds. We put ourselves into one or the other with our thoughts.

In every moment I am blessed with the gift of free will to choose again. I don’t believe that this gift of choice goes away in the afterlife so, even if I place myself in hell, I can reach out to Love Who is always waiting for me to return. This is as Christ Jesus taught us in the story of the Prodigal Son.

Yes! Blessed holy children of God we are and will always remain.


My mother is in hospice care now. She has had dementia for a long time so, with poor quality of life, my thoughts of her death are not sad. She is getting excellent care. The family is all connected and supportive. And yet, I am stressed out.

I can relate this time to the liminal space of Holy Saturday that Robert described during Easter time. The inciting event happened so we are in the space of waiting for resurrection, transformation, the miracle. (I’m not saying that I expect Mom to get well but for a change to come to bring resolution for the highest good – God’s way.)

Reading the lesson, my mind questioned my anxiety when I can see that ‘all is well’. In this liminal space of waiting, I am not in control.

It must be God’s way, there is no other choice. But this is so upsetting to my system, to not be able to plan, prepare, to know what will happen. I know all will be well … that all is well. (Please tell my gut!)

“Heaven is the decision I must make.”

Robert also taught that resurrection requires divine intervention … help is required.

You’ve got this Lord! I only need to go with the flow: to slow down, see what I am shown, and find my gratitude.


“The truth cannot be learned, but only recognized.”

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