ACIM Lesson 120 notes.

Review of lessons 109 & 110.


109] I rest in God.

110] I am as God created me.

I rest in You, Great Love. I feel the flow of Your Loving intent for my life flow through me. It is the same as it has always been; it is just my interfering that alters my ability to feel Your Love. Your Love for me is always steady and true.

I am as You created me, Holy Child of God.


[109] I rest in God.


[110] I am as God created me.

“Today I lay aside all sick illusions of myself.”

I am new again!


109 – I rest in God.

“I rest in Him in quiet and in perfect certainty.”

Yes, I am certain God is. I waver in recognizing I am never separate from Him. In the quiet, it is easy to ‘be still and know’, it is when life has my attention, or my mind is in the past or future, that I don’t bring God, spirit, the sacred, into my choices about the life happening to me.

I rest in God. I am in God no matter what my activity.

110 – I am as God created me.

This year I think a lot of my loss of identity with retirement. I re-affirm my identity.

I am as God created me.

I am love, I am light, I am truth, I am.

The void, the knowing, the manifested, the energy.

I am loved and loving.

I am here.

I made a promise to God.

I speak from my heart (and higher Self) – be wise (not intelligent).

I rest in God.

Be still and know, I am, God.

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