ACIM Lesson 118 notes.

Review of lessons 105 & 106.


105] God’s peace and joy are mine.

106] Let me be still and listen to the truth.

Sitting in stillness for a few minutes, I asked if there was anything I was meant to know this morning. I felt Love fill my heart. The themes of these lessons have been fully confirmed this Sunday morning.

Blessed, and offering blessings this day. Namaste’.


[105] God’s joy and peace are mine.

I accept.

[106] Let me be still and listen to the truth.

It is upon a still pond surface that we can see the reflection of the world, the largeness of the sky along with the reflection of insects.

Help me to see, please.


105 – God’s peace and joy are mine.

I accept God’s peace and joy. I let go of all the other creations of my mind that I have piled significance on. I no longer wish to play the game and see my brothers/sisters as different from me. I wish to stop the role playing of someone as bad and someone as good.

God’s peace and joy are mine when I allow it to flow in me and through me.

No more blocks, Tricia!

106 – Let me be still and listen to the truth.

“Let me hear the mighty voice for truth itself assure me that I am God’s perfect son.”

I sat in quiet for a few minutes and felt a wonderful flow go through my body.

I am blessed.

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