ACIM Lesson 110 notes.

I am as God created me.


“Today honor your Self.”

Yesterday, the metaphor of the River of Love helped me to get to a deeper meaning from Lesson 109, so today I asked for an image to better understand who “I am as God created me.”

I saw a tree.

I thought of God as the consciousness of the tree, with the tree as the Universe. My mind went through the branches, stems, twigs, and leaves to find me as a cell on a leaf. This is who I am; created by the same Loving intention that created the whole tree.

“I am as God created me.”

Part of the life of All-That-Is; cared about by each level of growth and branching; wanted in my role to sense and experience the edges of the known and unknown.

“I am as God created me.”

I am within the field of Love that created me. It flows within from the branch I am attached to but also surrounds me in Love’s field. I am Loved. I have my part to do to keep Love flowing and growing.


I am as God created me. I am free.

I am as God created me. Laughing and loving.

I am as God created me. HA!

I am as God created me. In peace and light.

I am as God created me. Flowing to others.

“It is enough to heal the past and make the future free.”

I am here, stepped into the place, where, for a little while, I feel the gifts God has placed in me. Laughter, joy, expansiveness flow through my cells as my field is full of the knowing …

I am as God created me. The light is in my heart.

I rest in God. Peace is limitless, ready to flow to others.

I am as God created me.


The first paragraph helped me to understand this affirmation better, ‘you have made no changes in yourself that have reality’.

I am back to the ‘perfect’ being I was before the programming of Earth-bound life.

“I am as God created me.”

This is my true identity.

I have been feeling down as I think I have lost my identity with retirement from work and mothering. I am God’s child, made in the image of God … Love and light.

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