ACIM Lesson 109 notes.

I rest in God.


“You rest within the peace of God today, quiet and unafraid.”

I love this lesson and usually welcome it. After quite a lot of correspondence this morning, busy thoughts argued that ‘I am only just becoming active in the world once again’. A recording of the lesson played which I heard behind my thoughts. Words of birds and streams brought the thought that nature is in action but still in rest in God.

My theory of everything: God = Love = gravity = force.

God/Love is in motion, as in the flow of the River of Love.

I rest in the flow of the river. I move where it takes me and act as the flow guides me … while still at rest.

Beauty, ease, loving-kindness to those I encounter.

Feeling blessed.

Thank You.


“Open the temple doors and let them come … bid them all enter here and rest with you.”

I rest in God and take my delight there. I receive rest and replenishment. From here I can give.

“Because when you take authentic rest, you create a resting place. Your heart becomes a place where the weary an come to be replenished, reminded, revived, realigned.” ~ Hollie Holden

Make me a channel of your peace Lord. _/\_


“Lean back into the Love that holds, knows, and guides us; rest in Truth.” ~ Hollie Holden

The truth that God is Love.

Peace and joy are my inheritance.

God’s will for me is happiness.


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