ACIM Lesson 101 notes.

God’s will for me is perfect happiness.


“Salvation requires the acceptance of one thought – you are as God created you, not what you made of yourself.” (L97.7.1)

It feels good to read my posts from the previous years and notice how I have gotten past my resistance to the word ‘salvation’. It is not a word I would use to describe my desire for Unity with God, Spirit, Life. I feel it is too religious a word so would just shut others off to the message I might wish to offer.

In this lesson tough words are offered about the belief I sin so that we may see salvation as the balm. Are we meant to soften our words to appeal to others when sharing wisdom that we’ve gained, or should we be raw and direct like the tone of this lesson?

‘Be you, Tricia.’ This is what I hear.

Recently, I have noticed that I have shared stories that seem to have meaning for others. There has been no prior planning. I can see that inspiration is the best way to offer my words. ‘Never mind!’ I will let go of the planning.

“I rest in God” (L109)

“God’s will for me is perfect happiness.”

I let go. I accept.


“No price to pay, no sacrifice to make.” ~ Hollie Holden

Spring has arrived. Earl, my cat, came in during my reflection to tell me it is too nice outside in the garden for me to be inside. There is no sin in skipping a deep reflection today.

Love and joy and peace abide in me … especially in my garden on a lovely spring morning.


“This is the truth because there is no sin.”

As I have noted, I have a resistance to the word ‘salvation’. This lesson gets into these deep feelings of what our fears may be regarding salvation because we believe in fear. Our beliefs about sin make salvation into hell as we are always with our sins.

Salvation is forgiveness, but also unnecessary as there is truly no sin.

I feel a deep fear of salvation but know it is not part of my soul. It must come from the collective, or past lives when my misbeliefs put me into purgatory/hell (my own creations based on belief in sin). Or … perhaps all that is just mis-belief.

God’s will for me is perfect happiness!

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