ACIM lesson 89 notes.

Review of lessons 77 & 78.


77] I am entitled to miracles.

78] Let miracles replace all grievances.

Back when Carolyn Myss was the spiritual teacher that I was focusing on, I would listen to a lot of her lectures on YouTube. She is a pull-no-punches type of teacher. I recall her going on rants about noticing what we think we are entitled to. Since this time, I have held a negative judgement over the word ‘entitled’. This also caused me to create grievances with people who I judged as feeling entitled.

The lesson reminds me that there are good things that I am entitled to. I’ll accept miracles any day!!! Everyone is entitled to miracles!

I long for a world where everyone gets other things that they are entitled to like kindness, services, compassion, comfort, and support.

Lord, please don’t allow my grievances to diminish another in any way. _/\_


[77] I am entitled to miracles.

“Now would I accept only what the laws of God entitle me to have, that I may use it on behalf of the function He has given me.”

[78] Let miracles replace all grievances.

“I want all of Heaven and only Heaven, as God wills me to have.”


77-I am entitled to miracles.

“Behind this is a miracle to which I am entitled.”

78-Let miracles replace all grievances.

Right now, there is loud music coming from the building site next door. It began right at 8 AM … a quiet morning disrupted.

A grievance.

“I would not hold this grievance apart from my salvation.”

I hear the hammering, but also the call of the seagulls. Funny, but the noises mean something different to P who is here with me … a miracle?

A miracle is a change of perception.

It’s a lovely gift … to see things differently.

Thank you.

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