ACIM Lesson 81 notes.

Review of lessons 61 & 62


61] I am the light of the world.

62] Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.

“Let me be still before my holiness. In its calm light let all my conflicts disappear.”

In the review for Lesson 62 it states that we do not yet understand what forgiveness is. I told myself that ‘I know’, but still felt unsure.

I turned to chapter I of Part II, “What is Forgiveness’. Gratitude came from the reminder that it is changing our thoughts/judgements about another to see that there was no sin.

‘What I think happened did not occur, it was just my false perception.’

This describes forgiveness.

When I find my holiness by returning to the Presence of Love within me, in that place I see with clear vision. Sins and grievances cannot be in that place. What we call forgiveness replaces all experiences and brings light into this world.

_/\_ I am the light of the world!


[61] I am the light of the world.

I have to have a hard conversation with a loved one. This has made me anxious and made doing my practice difficult this morning. I know that my anxiousness makes my tone of voice and directness seem angry. I asked my partner for advice, he said to put love in my heart as I start the conversation. I felt resistance to this – feels fake (another matter to reflect upon).

“Let me not obscure the light of the world in me.”

I settled myself enough to read the lesson, followed by reading my notes on Lesson 61 from 3-21-2022.

“Do my part.”

I have a role in pointing out a problem, but I only have to do my part. In this way I can avoid grievance and see the other person in their true light, as in lesson 78 ‘let miracles replace all grievances’.

I am the light of the world. My loved one is the light of the world.

[62] Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.

“Let this help me learn what forgiveness means.”

It brings me happiness.


61-I am the light of the world.

This is enough.

62-Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.

I see my task today is to bring this affirmation into my regular mantra routine. I am to continue to ask for assistance when problems/upset/grievances show themselves. So, I practice letting go of my own problem solving and trust in God’s way. The Way!

I am the light of the world!

What do you have to say to me?

[Yes and yes! Most beloved, as all are, you bring Love flowing to all around you. Plants, people, animals, life, soil, Earth, rocks water, ocean. Your light benefits the entire creation. You are needed and necessary. Keep going. Keep striving. Be the light of the world.]

Help me to learn what forgiveness means.

[You know. You have tools that show you how to look from varying perspectives. Your feelings are strong when you need to take action (ie. Heart pain). Accept others. When you can’t, still understand the pain and fear in them that blocks their vision, understanding, and acceptance.]

[ ] denotes answer from HS.

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