ACIM Lesson 64 notes.

Let me not forget my function.


It is not easy to keep God foremost in your mind throughout the day. It does feel a bit easier for me this morning as I have the benefit of being in class yesterday with dervishes from a circle of Sufism.

With my Islam studies this month I have made it my practices to pray five times a day. (Reminders from my phone help with this.) The dervishes spoke of striving to get where God is always present. They brought to us the idea of thinking of the breath as a prayer to God.

From interactions with some of my seminary cohorts this weekend, I’m thinking, perhaps, that forgiveness is not really an action. I hear people expressing their struggles and confusion. Instead of trying to fix things, I quieted my mind and held my tongue. When it was my turn to share, I told of my experiences and how my own solutions came from asking and contemplation. Basically, I let go to let the solutions be within the other person; them with God. My forgiveness comes in through not judging or trying to fix the other based on my beliefs or perceptions. I trusted that the stories I offered of my own dilemmas, with the answers received from God, would be used by the other person for their own discovery and self-forgiveness.

“Let me not forget my function. Let me not try to substitute mine for God’s.”


Here is another lesson I really like because I find the language direct and calling me out personally, for mindless behavior.

In this world, our vision of Love is obscured. We need to remain conscious of this to choose Love and forgiveness over the fear-based judgements of our egoic mind. We can learn to choose, with help from HS, as this is God’s plan for salvation of this world. We have our part to do …

“This is the world it is my function to save.”

My function is important.

“The world’s salvation awaits your forgiveness, because through it does the Son (Child) of God escape from all illusions and thus from all temptation. The Son (Child) of God is You.”!!!

Holy Child of God, I am. I will do my part to shine my light of forgiveness in the world.

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