ACIM Lesson 59 notes.

Review of lessons 41-45


[41] God goes with me wherever I go.

[42] God is my strength, vision is His gift.

[43] God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him.

[44] God is the light in which I see.

[45] God is the mind in which I think.

In God I know I find perfect certainty, absolute peace, along with Love and joy. How do I still believe my false self over my True Self?

I ask God to help me to see the truth of myself and others. Let the loving vision of Christ support me to clear away illusions and have me see the world God intends for me.

“Let me welcome vision and the happy world it will show me.” (L44)

“God is the light in which I see.” (L44)

My mind too … let it be cleared of false thoughts as I accept that this mind can be in harmony with God’s … as they are One.


God is …

I will let the titles speak. (3 breaths between each maybe a good practice to feel the words.)

[41] God goes with me wherever I go. — — —

[42] God is my strength, vision is His gift. — — —

[43] God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him. — — —

[44] God is the light in which I see. — — —

[45] God is the mind in which I think. — — —

As part of God: I am never alone, I am strong, I can see what is best for me and others, my journey is lovingly laid before me, I am guided, and my thoughts are His/Hers and His/Hers are mine.

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