ACIM Less 51 notes.

Review of lessons 1-5


[1] Nothing I see means anything.

[2] I have given what I see all the meaning is has for me.

[3] I do not understand anything I see.

[4] These thoughts do not mean anything.

[5] I am never upset for the reason I think.

“The reason this is so is that I see nothing, and nothing has no meaning.” (L1)

It is with Christ vision that I see what is real and true … Love. What I think I see in this world has no meaning. What I see is based on my judgements, so it is all illusion of my own making.

I cannot understand what I see because it is based on my judgements form with my limited perception. My role is to let go and be open to divine guidance.

“My real thoughts are the thoughts I think with God” (L4)

I will benefit from slowing down to quiet the mind, so as to listen for word for words that come from beyond me. I am willing to let go of defending my thoughts. It is easier now to see that they are based on mis-information and mis-understanding.


[1] Nothing I see means anything.

Yes, I know this is so as I’ve been through the lessons that follow which provide the explanation. This lesson is the start to building the trust in our teacher, Jesus.

[2] I have given what I see all the meaning is has for me.

I judge everything I see. 

“My judgements have hurt me, and I do not want to see according to them.”

My perception is so limited and my goals so self-centered that I cannot see what is real or true.

[3] I do not understand anything I see.

I re-read my notes from 1-3 to find my mind is doing the same thing again, thinking all things are nothing instead of releasing them to be what they are without my judgement upon them.

The world outside my window just is.

[4] These thoughts do not mean anything.

Pause … I’m giving a moment to let God in.

Peace seems to be the effect on my thoughts when I give a moment to myself to alight with a greater mind.

Quiet now, little mind. I tuck you into a cozy bed to rest, this allows us to be swaddled in peace by the presence of Love.

[5] I am never upset for the reason I think.

“I have done this to defend a thought system that has hurt me.”

I do try to defend my thoughts and perceptions. I am better at releasing when I am on my own reflection then when spoken to another. My thoughts are somehow more important and harder to let go. These lesson are so useful in helping me to notice when I am upset and defending what are just nonsense thoughts.

Thoughts are not a important as the person I am with and the connection of Love I wish to present.

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