ACIM Lesson 50 notes.

I am sustained by the Love of God.


I trust God. I write this to reinforce my growth.

I recall all the times I corrected myself by stating that my tribulations were because I did not trust God. So, I’ve notice that the words ‘I don’t trust God’ pop into my mind very quickly. The first time I realized this I cried from the impact of this truth. Now I don’t have any feelings rise. Has it become an excuse?

After reading what I wrote in my lesson 50 notes last year, I’m feeling good about seeing that there has been growth in me.

I trust God. I can trust God. I will trust God. I can ask for help. I can let go.

I can be in the flow of the river of God’s Love. The Love of God will lift and sustain me.


In my practice period this morning, my thoughts went to doubt. The lesson said to me that the Love of God will protect me, lift me out of trials to safety and peace. I questioned whether there will be trials ahead and imagined trouble on my upcoming trip. I caught myself to stop the vision.

Now I ask why my mind went there? I trust God but still I find I question each lesson.

Are the words true, am I safe?

“Through the Love God within you, you can resolve all seeming difficulties without effort and in sure confidence.”

I see my first mis-perception as I re-read the lesson. It does not say that the trials will not come but that we will be lifted out of them by God’s Love. Another mis-perception I hold is a fear that the peace in my life will be disturbed by the trials. As I reflect on the last few years, there have been trials that many people would find very difficult to get through, but I did get through them sustained by the Love of God, trust in God, and choosing to Love as I am Loved by God … unconditionally.

Again, the mind games my mind tries to doubt and challenge the words of the Course has ended in another loss. I see the score now at 50:0, wins to the Course over my doubting mind. 😊

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