ACIM Lesson 295 notes.

The Holy Spirit looks through me today.


“Christ asks that He may use my eyes today, and thus redeem the world.”

I find that my neutral body, which holds my neutral eyes, is ready to see with Love.

“And thus allow the Holy Spirit’s Love to bless all things which I may look upon.”

Here I am, Lord. I accept.


“Help me to use the eyes of Christ today.”

Each day of 2022, I appreciate my lesson of asking for help. HS gave me this as my theme for 2022, help.

For me, it teaches me to ask knowing I am surrounded by loved ones ready to help me. I’m never alone.

I wish I was taught this as a child — I plan to make sure my grandchildren know it! Guardian angels will surround the children.

I am fully supported, surrounded, and loved.

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