Why am I defensive?

A poem, by Tricia Bates Smith, 8-7-2023

There is not much here, 
please do not take any more. 
People find so little to like as it is.
In response to you, my voice is brusk, 
with a scowl on my face. 
I tells the world that I want to be alone.
Truly, I want to Love, 
which must come as a surprise. 
But where do I begin?
Love is so big! It’s in everything that is, 
and even within me.
My cup no longer needs to be half empty.
I have been wrong for so long. 
There is nothing to defend. 
A softened heart will return me to the flow.
I am full. 
I firmly have hold of the pitcher that fills my cup, 
ready to share with you.

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