Little Girl in Me.

TBS July 7, 2023, a poem.

Little girl in me, come out to play. 
It is too long you have been sheltered. 
The Sun shines bright. I wish to see it sparkle in your hair. 
I need the light of your eyes to awaken all the cells of this body.
Little girl in me, it is time to run down the garden path once again, 
to take pause at the yellow daisies 
and to hop in glee at the sight of a butterfly. 
Dance our girl, dance, to the music coming from your heart.
Little girl in me, please forgive me my indifference over so many years. 
My busy-ness and self-importance took me away from your care. 
Now, you care for me. 
You are what this body needs to release the tightness. 
You are what this mind needs to get back to what is important. 
You are what this soul needs because you are the spark of God Love placed within it.
Little girl in me, thank you for not giving up on me as I did you. 
Thank you for holding onto our joy-ball, always ready to play. 
Thank you for your vision that can always look on others with Love, 
and upon this world with wonder at its beauty.
This mature woman loves you, our girl. 
We’ve been apart due to my choices. Love is now the priority. 
I need you with me, little girl within. 
To help me show God’s Love as I run along the garden paths of this world.
Thank you.

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