ACIM Lesson 181 notes.

I trust my brothers who are one with me.


“Remove your focus on your brother’s sins, and you experience the peace that comes form faith in sinlessness.”

Is this lesson about trusting or seeing? The title mentions trust but the text of the lesson emphasizes seeing the sinlessness in ourselves and others.

The prayer in paragraph 6 answers my question for me.

“It is not this that I would look upon. I trust my brother, who are one with me.”

Yes, we are meant to see the innocence in others, but again (even after realizations with lessons 158 and 164) my expectation is that my physical vision will change. What I realized in those lessons was that an open-hearted state overrides physical vision to allow our ‘seeing’ others in their original eternal innocence.

Trust is of the heart. Trust requires quieting of the mind as well as the opening of the heart.

Neti, neti. (Sanskrit meaning ‘not this, not this.)

It is time to question what I think I see and to take a moment for my heart to speak of what is the truth of my experience in relations with others. _/\_

So let it be.


“Remove your focus on your brothers sins, and you experience the peace that comes from faith in sinlessness.”

I am ready for this new series of lessons; my willingness is strong. I am intent on looking for the sinlessness in others. And, I am purposely writing this post in the present tense as acknowledgement of the lesson’s secondary instruction to keep our attention on the Now.

“The past is gone; the future but imagined.”

The lesson calls us out in our lack of willingness due to “depressing and restricting though that, even if you should succeed, you will inevitably lose your way again … these concerns are just defenses against present change of focus in perception.”

I am willing to be in the present moment and see my brother/sister as sinless. I seek to see the innocence in all, in every experience that appears me.

There … intent set!


I can’t help but think of a dear one as my example for this.

Lord, please let me see him in his sinlessness.

I do know that all he desires is good and true, to be a good man for his family. He likes laughter and fun as well … people around him. Continue to aid me in what I look upon in the important people in my life and assist me in opening up to trust others.

‘… creating a world where we trust in each other’s goodness more.’ ~Hollie Holden

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