Sunday 5-7-2023 Forgiveness is a miracle.

What keeps the soul in perplexity is the threefold aspect of manifestation, and as long as the soul remains puzzled by this, it cannot arrive at the knowledge of the One. These three aspects are the seer, sight, and the seen; the knower, knowledge, and the known. In point of fact these are three aspects of life. One aspect is the person who sees; the second aspect is the sight, or the eyes, by the help of which he sees; and the third aspect is that which he sees. That is why one cannot readily accept the idea that what one sees is the same as oneself, nor can one believe for a moment that the medium by which one sees is oneself …” ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan, Bowl of Saki, 5-6-2023

Happy Sunday!

Yesterday morning, the daily reflection offered by Hazrat Inayat Khan engaged my contemplation: seer, sight, seen. I drew out a diagram and included knower, knowledge, and known to try to understand. I sensed that more was there for me in this contemplation but after a few minutes of not gaining anything, I moved onto my ACIM lesson for the day.

Lesson 126 – All that I give is given to me.

As I wrote in my lesson notes, while reading it I was conflicted. Part of my  mind was repeating all the traits of forgiveness that I have learned in the Course and another part telling me I don’t know what I don’t know. Needless to say, no idea was forming to be the basis of my reflection on the lesson, so I turned to Hollie’s notes to see her perspective on the lesson. She told me that understanding forgiveness is not the goal but to open up to the presence of Love, to ask for help.

Rule of Three

We are asked to bring an energy to the situation, Love. My mind brought forward the idea of the ‘rule of three’. I think of this as two things pushing against one another (duality) but when introducing a third energy a flowing system is formed.

I smiled as I realized that I needed to go back to my diagram of seer, sight, seen.

From Hazrat Khan’s examples I had already arrived at that we were utilizing subject (seer), action (sight), and object or outcome (seen). On my diagram I wrote ‘soul’ for the subject, ‘Love’ as the action, and ‘forgiveness’ for the outcome. I realized that my diagram did not provide for two or more people in conflict (duality), as necessary for forgiveness to be needed. (The Course teaches that forgiveness is only of this world.) I changed the subject to read ‘souls’. (We are all one, are we not?)


I felt the flow in my system. Let me describe the process: we souls call on Love for help; an unexpected change occurs, and forgiveness (also compassion) rises. The souls see the change an it alters their lives.

This is the definition of a miracle!

Forgiveness is a miracle!

In the flow.

Love and forgiveness were joined earlier this week in my vision of the Angel of Forgiveness and Angel of Love standing with me. Gratitude fills my heart as this vision becomes more special. I feel Love energy flowing.

My role is that when I feel grievances, I just ask for help … handing it over to Love. A change will come to create a field of forgiveness to be felt by all souls involved.

“There are two aspects of unity: firstly, the unity of variety; secondly, unity realizing itself. One is earthly, the other is heavenly. One cannot serve two masters. Unity is the only source of happiness. Unity in realization is far greater than unity in variety.” ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan, Bowl of Saki, 5-6-2023

The energy of Love is there waiting to flow between all souls. In this world we have played with separation and individualism. Unity (oneness) is our evolution. Blocks we have made to the flow of Love, which allowed us to experience separation, we are ready to release. We all want what Love has to offer: lightness, peace, joy, and strength. We get there together.

One last thought … I sense that this flow of Love energy is what we call a field of grace.

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