Spring health reminder to me

Happy Spring 2018.
The annual acid reflux started last week – seemed to be related to onions on a sandwich. Allergy triggers, increase in inflammation, are signs of the season for me.  I watch and manage these closely so that they don’t evolve into something worse (UC trigger).
Universe, whatever it is that I think, feel, or believe that is manifesting in my body I am ready to release. Please help me to have connection to this body to understand and make a change.
So … this short blog today is just to document the natural remedies that I have found helpful in the past. The last week has had several “Oh yeah!” as I recall methods I used last year to manage the acid reflux.
The first thing I did was go back to taking the licorice root supplement every morning. This helps to improve the stomach lining mucus.
I have candied ginger to chew on after eating. It is a sweet treat and helps with the acid.
I take digestive enzymes when I eat something I know I have issues with like grains or dairy.
A couple of days into suffering with the reflux I remembered that last year I was carrying fennel seeds in my purse to help with digestion. I took some and immediately got some relief. This is an important remedy not to forget.

This morning I was reading a blog on fermented foods and she wrote about Kefir being a great remedy for acid reflux – another one I had forgotten about so I will be adding that back into my morning routine.
Below is a prayer that I have over my desk that I evoked during a difficult time a few years back. Now, things are good. I would like this annual difficultly to fade bringing me understanding and some fun enlightening A-ha’s so I pray:
My prayer …
I pray for this to go easy and that I be given the tools for it to go easy.
I pray the same for my family.
I pray the same for those who might be pushing against us.
I pray this for the world.
Happy Sunday.

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