Sunday 6-28-15 More to me.

“Just as treasures are uncovered from the earth, so virtue appears from good deeds, and wisdom appears from a pure and peaceful mind. To walk safely through the maze of human life, one needs the light of wisdom and the guidance of virtue.” ~ Buddha

Happy Sunday!

I made a decision earlier this week. I need to expand my blogging topics.  This decision came from the work I realize that I must do to expand my platform as an author.
The Writer’s Workshop course material, offered by Hay House, has been so informative.  I have written several times recently about ‘platform’ and how scary it is to think about opening myself up to an audience for my writing.  I know if I am going to move forward with offering my book out into the world, with the intention that it inspires others to be seekers, that I have to be willing to offer who I am and what I have to say.
Kris Carr was the expert in the coursework when it came to platform on the internet.  She spoke of all the ways to use social media and how to network.  She was asked if it was a good idea to share parts on your book on your blog – she answered yes!  She said it was a great way to get feedback, to find out what her readers were interested in and what they were not.
The big take away for me from what Kris said about her webpage and her readers is that she wanted a relationship with them.  She welcomed them, conversed with them, and gave of herself.
I’m not doing that.  I have no readers but I have also not welcomed any readers.
This made me think about what I could offer on my website going forward.  I thought about how I could give background information on my book characters – provide the back story.  I’ve seen JK Rowlings interviewed and she said she had volumes of note with details of characters, settings, spells, lots of background information she kept for herself to give depth to the storyline she presented in the books.
I have the idea to take a portion of my blog as a place where I can provide notes, descriptions, and my research on my characters and settings.
As I thought of expanding my blog I thought of how to categorize my future book blogs from the Sunday spiritual blogs.  The thought came to me that these categories are like my archetypes that I listed in my blog of 6-7-15.  My spiritual writing is the ‘Seeker’ in me.  My work on my book is the ‘story teller’.   This gave me the idea to consider my other archetypes to see if there are other parts of me that I can offer.
What came to mind immediately is the ‘wounded healer’ archetype.  I have wanted for a very long time to write about my journey of healing from Ulcerative Colitis. I have good information to offer to others as well new natural healing methods that I make use of as my journey of well-being continues.
Am I pulling away from my spiritual journey just to fit in better?
I feel good about these ideas that are coming.  I thought I would feel bad to shift my sole focus from my spiritual journey but I don’t.  I feel good.  I realize that because I am alive in this physical form there is more to me than just my spiritual self.
I am (or have) a body.  As each day passes and I grow more aware, I realize that it has its own intelligence.  Just as all of nature has the innate intelligence to thrive and bring beauty, so does my body.  It is my soul’s creation in this physical realm, my greatest creation.  My body can be the reflection of the well-being and the Love of my true Self if I just let it thrive.  It knows how if I just listen and get out of the way.
I want to share what my wounded healer Self has to say.
With this blog I have been sharing what my seeker “Self” has experienced along the journey.
And, I want the world to hear what I have to share as my story teller Self.
(Will my other archetypes speak up in the future as well? I think so!)
There is more to me that is worth sharing then just the spiritual journey of my seeker.  The next step in the journey is always to be taken. I always knew it wasn’t always going to be a journey traveled alone, I just didn’t know how I was going to connect to others.  The ways are being revealed.
Thank you Lord.  I’ll keep stepping forward if you keep placing the ground beneath my feet.
And so it is.
“Life is a journey. When we stop, things don’t go right.” ~ Pope Francis

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