Sunday 6-2-13 ~ My Light

Happy Sunday!

“If you light a lamp for someone else it will also brighten your path.” ~Buddha
I met my spirit a couple of months ago.  At the time I was reading Caroline Myss’ book “Entering the Castle.”  In this book Caroline had exercises for the reader to do to go inside and to meet your soul and connect with God.  (I spoke of this previously in my blog of Sunday Feb. 24th, 2013.)  The work I am refering to is in the Fourth Mansion of your castle and related to preparing to receive God.  This assignment was a meditative exercise to imagine you soul slipping outside of your body.
I imagined myself outside lying on the ground under some trees. The exercise called for me to let my soul slowly float out above me and let my consciousness follow along.  Well my experience was different.  This flash of light darted out of my heart and streaked around in the tree branches. It was a beautiful lit up sprite, a Tinkerbell.  It streaked back and forth around the large branches of the trees playing.  It was awesome!
After the experience I questioned what happened, there was that realist part of me that wanted to say it was insignificant, just my imagination.  I pushed back at the negative thoughts and chose to cherish it.  Of course it was my imagination, but guided.  I knew my brain had no reason to generate the image, such a thing certainly wasn’t a conscious thought.  Knowing my self as a laid back person, and until recently a mega-introvert, I just loved the idea that my soul was such a playful exciting being.
As the months have gone by I think of Tinkerbell often and the idea of her makes me happy, a metaphor for the joy within me.  I let her become that symbol of joy for me but I had my doubts that I had experienced my actual soul.
With God validation always comes.
This week I was listening to a Caroline Myss lecture and she was guiding a class in a prayer meditation to take their souls into the quiet sanctuary of their heart and castle.  Her guidance was to take your soul from up in your mind.  She said to imagine it a light like Tinkerbell, and move it down your spine to enter the heart.  Tinkerbell!  That light is my soul!

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

Happy Sunday!

2 thoughts on “Sunday 6-2-13 ~ My Light

  1. Pingback: Entering the castle

  2. Pingback: Entering the castleTricia Today!

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