Review of lessons 79 & 80.
79] Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.
80] Let me recognize my problems have been solved.
“I do not yet realize that God has placed the answer together with … continue reading
79] Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.
80] Let me recognize my problems have been solved.
“I do not yet realize that God has placed the answer together with … continue reading
This month in seminary we are studying Christianity. We are asked to incorporate into our lives a daily practice influenced by this religion. My practice for Islam was to pray a … continue reading
As I wrote the lesson title down the question came, ‘Is God’s will the Source of all action?’ Then, in response, I received the image of myself floating in the river of God’s … continue reading
This is a lesson that requires the practice periods of contemplation to understand and accept.
“God gives me only happiness. He has given my function to me. Therefore, my function must be … continue reading
We had a seminary assignment to write a reflection of our understanding of the following sacred text from the Islam tradition.
“The proof of the sun is the sun; if thou require the proof, do not avert thy face!” (Jelaluddin … continue reading
Happy Sunday!
“The body of Christ gives the body of Christ to the body of Christ.” ~ St. Augustine
This past week I made my way to Chapter 28 of the 30 day Sacred Heart retreat with David Richo. I … continue reading