I can attack but my own sinlessness, and it is only that which keeps me safe.
“Let us not, then, attack our sinlessness, for it contains the Word of God to us.”
Our sinlessness is that light of innocence … continue reading
“Let us not, then, attack our sinlessness, for it contains the Word of God to us.”
Our sinlessness is that light of innocence … continue reading
“The mind that is made willing to accept God’s gifts has been restored to spirit, and extends its freedom and its joy, as the Will of God united with its own.”
I have … continue reading
Happy Sunday!
Yesterday I was working on the ACIM Workbook, start of section 14, Who Am I, and lesson 351. The lesson is on the choice of seeing a sinful brother or a sinless brother. I opened my heart to … continue reading
On January 3rd I spent a short period reflecting on what will be my word or theme for 2022. I received the word ‘help’. I purposely did not write this boldly, as an exclamation, as I did not get … continue reading
The month is flying by. Good thing … so far not seeing much improvement over 2020. 🙁
Feeling humble … a bit low. Events of 1-6 have shown me that thinking I know anything of what may be … continue reading
Happy Sunday! I want to have a good conversation today.
Connection in my heart; this notebook is not filling up (started a new dream/vision notebook on 1-1-19); as it’s been a long time since posting on my blog.… continue reading
Buddhist saying …
Before enlightenment: carry water, chop wood.
After enlightenment: carry water, chop wood.
I read this in a blog about a week ago. On Tuesday I woke up saying the words ‘carry the water, chop the wood’ in … continue reading
Conversation 14 – from dreams
Happy Sunday!
A couple of weeks ago I watched Open Minds with Regina Meredith, the interview was about lucid dreaming. The guest spoke about how you can work on yourself while lucid dreaming and to … continue reading
Conversation 11 with higher Self.
Happy Sunday and good morning.
Good morning.
Why do I feel trouble looming? I have to keep reminding myself that things are fine, easy, just a regular day.
Much is coming.
That brought up a … continue reading
Conversation 10 with Higher Self
Happy Sunday World! (I hear many warm responses.)
On the political arena I have been trying to find peace in the middle. Father Richard Rohr provided a reflection this morning that was intended to have … continue reading