There is no conflict, for my will is Yours.
“Conflict is sleep, and peace awakening.”(1.8)
This line stood out for me as it simplified how the ego is described in this lesson and in Chapter 12. ‘What is the … continue reading
“Conflict is sleep, and peace awakening.”(1.8)
This line stood out for me as it simplified how the ego is described in this lesson and in Chapter 12. ‘What is the … continue reading
“And I am safe, untroubled and serene, in endless joy, because it is Your Will that it be so.” (1.9)
Grateful … in the flow of Love.
Supported … like birds lifted … continue reading
“This is the faith that will endure, and take me further and further on the road that leads to [God].” (1.4)
For the past year I have avoided using the … continue reading
“Father, I would accept Your gifts today. I do not recognize them. Yet I trust that You Who gave them will provide the means by which I can behold them, … continue reading
By Tricia Bates Smith, 10-22-2024
Great Love, why? I have so many questions. They build up in my throat, unasked.
Where am I going? Why can’t I know what You plan for me -- expect from me? 'It is not… continue reading
“In You is everything I hope to find already given me.”
I long to return my being to beauty and joy that is known deep within me. I know such a … continue reading
“And suffering of any kind is nothing but a dream. This is the truth, at first to be but said and then repeated many times; and next to be accepted … continue reading
“The thoughts I think with You can only bless.”
My notes from today in 2023 had me read through this week’s notes from last year as on the 11th… continue reading
“I need be anxious over nothing.”
Now, if I could only pause long enough to hear Your voice with its guidance.
Most days, I view my responses to others as reactionary when … continue reading
“Let my sinlessness arise again before Christ’s vision, through which I would look upon my brothers and myself.”
Yes, I want more of this … more periods of my daily life where my … continue reading