ACIM CE Cameo 10 – Under instruction.
I feel some resistance to turning everything over to Jesus as recommended in this cameo. I turn so much over already, but still feel I want a choice of when and who.… continue reading
I feel some resistance to turning everything over to Jesus as recommended in this cameo. I turn so much over already, but still feel I want a choice of when and who.… continue reading
MP 43 summary – miracles can release a person from a sense of isolation and lack; they affirm the ‘Sonship’ (wholeness).
We seek Love. We want so much to be filled with belonging, but … continue reading
“Help me to perform whatever miracles you want of me today.” (T-
Today’s lessons teach me to consider time as a resource to make use of in expressing Love into this … continue reading
“Conflict is sleep, and peace awakening.”(1.8)
This line stood out for me as it simplified how the ego is described in this lesson and in Chapter 12. ‘What is the … continue reading
With what I know of Love now, why would I ever turn away from the field of God’s Grace that is always reaching for me to give me the gifts that are … continue reading
“Our Father[/Mother], Your ideas reflect the truth, and mine apart from Yours but make up dreams.” (2.1)
This line offers me the invitation to discern when my ideas are aligned with … continue reading
Great Love, I acknowledge that I judge this world and then choose to see only those things that support my judgments.
I choose Love.
Please help me to pause … continue reading
“And so we let Your Love decide what he whom You created as Your Son must be.”
Reading through my past notes on this lesson, I feel there has … continue reading
“And love is ever-present, here and now.”
I am still connected with the idea of ‘unconditional peace’ that I mentioned in yesterday’s notes. From the moment I read this idea it … continue reading
“If I would have what only You can give, I must accept Your Will for me, and enter into peace where conflict is impossible.”
A phrase got my attention recently. It is ‘unconditional … continue reading