I let forgiveness rest upon all things, for thus forgiveness will be given me.
I am noticing the second paragraph of this lesson, here Jesus asks for my forgiveness. He also offers his help to me. I have opened … continue reading
I am noticing the second paragraph of this lesson, here Jesus asks for my forgiveness. He also offers his help to me. I have opened … continue reading
“God is the strength in which I trust.” (L47)
Chatting with classmates from seminary this week, two told of tense times with people that they have chosen to be in service to. I felt … continue reading
“Every unrealistic expectation is a resentment waiting to happen.” ~ Fr. Richard Rohr
Earlier this month, P was working on a small DIY project at our flat. He removed more of the room trim than I was expecting … continue reading
My awareness has been drawn to considering the role of shame in my life. This blog is my contemplation of what has come up and what it may mean for my growth.
I recently listened to the podcast with Oprah … continue reading
Happy Sunday!
Since September I have been working on an online course. The course is entitled “Transformation Course”1 which came to me from my inbox via a newsletter I received from PEERS, Public Education & Empowerment Resource Service. I … continue reading
Conversation 20 with my Higher Self
Sowing the seeds of Love.
There it is! I just had an ‘AH-HA!’
The family ‘Sunday text’ is about having friends with different ideologies, perhaps not even believing in God. The conversation was well … continue reading
Happy Sunday! This is Conversation 19 with my Higher Self.
I have a question to reflect on today. Am I a racist? I am hearing a ‘yes’.
All week, in my mind, I have been defending the President who is … continue reading
“The one who has lost the need for security is truly secure.” ~ Sadhguru
Happy Sunday.
I woke up this morning still in this numb place. I watched Joel. He spoke about how we create the storms, our own troubles, … continue reading
“With your loving, there ain’t nothing, That I can’t adore. The way I’m running, with you honey, Is we can break every low. I find it funny that you’re the only, One I never looked for. There is something in … continue reading
Happy Sunday!
“And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, … continue reading