I do not know what anything is for.
Saying ‘I don’t know’ brings us into humility.
I know that I don’t like change which tells me that I am afraid of a bit of mystery. I could say that … continue reading
Saying ‘I don’t know’ brings us into humility.
I know that I don’t like change which tells me that I am afraid of a bit of mystery. I could say that … continue reading
“In no situation that arises do you realize the outcome that would make you happy.”
I dropped my car off for service this morning and there was some tension regarding my … continue reading
This morning I woke up to a crying cat in my face and a mumbling husband next to me. I was not ready to wake up. … continue reading
“It is from this savage fantasy that you want to escape.”
“Is this the world I really want to see.”
This lesson is hard. Vengeance is a tough word – I … continue reading
Yesterday, the lesson had us set our desire and intent to see. Today, we are given a lesson in how to do that – to see truthfully.
There are so many things … continue reading
“In your determination to see is vision give to you.”
How can I see this world differently? I have carried this question for more than a decade and I do see so much differently … continue reading
“… you will yet understand that it must be true if salvation is possible at all.”
From my Judaism studies in seminary this month, I am learning the … continue reading
“… Thought which give rise to what you see are never neutral or unimportant.”
Another lesson teaching us ‘thought hygiene’ (like I wrote of in Lesson 16 notes… continue reading
A summary of the first paragraph: everything we see we have already thought, classified, and/or judged it. We think before we see. (According to Lesson 15, everything is images taking the place of seeing … continue reading
“Everything you see is a result of your thoughts.”
Here is how I put this together: thoughts are not neutral; they are energy therefore they cause a vibration in ‘the Field’. As ‘like attracts … continue reading