I will not value what is valueless.
“Heaven itself is reached with empty hands and open minds, which come with nothing to find everything and claim it as their own.”
Empty hands, meaning a body that is not burdened. … continue reading
“Heaven itself is reached with empty hands and open minds, which come with nothing to find everything and claim it as their own.”
Empty hands, meaning a body that is not burdened. … continue reading
“For I am real because the world is not, and I would know my own reality.”
There is only Love — this is reality.
Last weekend I was in … continue reading
“I ask to see a different world, and think a different kind of thought from those I made.”
Is there something here for me? [The peace of God.]
Yes! … continue reading
“It is impossible to see two worlds which have no overlap of any kind. Seek for the one: the other disappears.”
As I read the lesson, my mind went to what I … continue reading
“Today the lights of Heaven bend to you, to shine upon your eyelids as you rest beyond the world of darkness. Here is light your eyes can not behold. … continue reading
I look around the world wanting my vision to come upon beauty and those that I love. In theory, I know that those I love are not the bodies that … continue reading
Wow! What a lesson! So much information about what Love is and is not.
The lesson says that changing Love is impossible. All our thoughts of judging to limit Love in one direction … continue reading
“Today we try to understand the truth that giver and receiver are the same.”
With this lesson I am thinking of my notes for lesson 122, on 5-2-2023. I wrote of … continue reading
I can’t seem to get quiet today. I am still in high vibrations after the wonderful classes yesterday on New Thought. By Pastor Greg Stamper and on ACIM given by Rev. Diane … continue reading
Before I began my lesson this morning, while going through my emails, I read of a beautiful practice from Integral Christian Network (ICN). The practice was to kiss God by kissing … continue reading