Father, today I am your Son again.
Mother-Father, I am Your holy Child.
Welcome. What should I know today?
(This is me with words of welcome, waiting for His step toward me as offered in the Part II Introduction.)… continue reading
Mother-Father, I am Your holy Child.
Welcome. What should I know today?
(This is me with words of welcome, waiting for His step toward me as offered in the Part II Introduction.)… continue reading
“And so it is a day of countless gifts and mercies unto us.”
‘My gift’ will be my thought for today to return me to Love’s Presence. Why would I … continue reading
“Let every minute be a time in which I dwell with You.”
Welcome. What should I know today?
(This is me with words of welcome, waiting for His step toward … continue reading
Welcome. What should I know today?
(This is me with words of welcome, waiting for His step toward me as offered in the Part II Introduction.)
I re-read my notes from … continue reading
“Salvation is a promise, made by God, that you would find your way to Him at last.”
Salvation is a promise from God!
“So the Thought that has the power to heal the split became … continue reading
“Now I ask to be but what I am.”
Love, which created me, is what I am. The peace of God is that Love which created me. Why don’t … continue reading
“I seek my own identity and find It in these words.”
(This is me with words of welcome, waiting for His step toward me as offered in the Part II Introduction.)… continue reading
“And my mistakes about myself are dreams. I let them go today.”
The message that has been coming to me this week, from several spiritual media sources, is that I … continue reading
“… nothing that I thought apart from You exists.”
(This is me with words of welcome, waiting for His step toward me as offered in the Part II Introduction.)
Welcome. What should … continue reading
In my CAC Daily Meditation today, Mirabai Starr shared what she learned of sin through her translations of the writings of Julian of Norwich.
“The truly humble thing to do when … continue reading