Conversation 21 with my Higher Self
Dear She/Lord: today help me to be in the flow. Thank you for the sparks of insight. Help me to move past the feeling of loneliness when I find I am not able to … continue reading
Conversation 21 with my Higher Self
Dear She/Lord: today help me to be in the flow. Thank you for the sparks of insight. Help me to move past the feeling of loneliness when I find I am not able to … continue reading
Conversation 20 with my Higher Self
Sowing the seeds of Love.
There it is! I just had an ‘AH-HA!’
The family ‘Sunday text’ is about having friends with different ideologies, perhaps not even believing in God. The conversation was well … continue reading
Happy Sunday! This is Conversation 19 with my Higher Self.
I have a question to reflect on today. Am I a racist? I am hearing a ‘yes’.
All week, in my mind, I have been defending the President who is … continue reading
Happy Sunday! While listening to a homily on the Center for Advance Contemplation this morning, something Father Rohr said struck a chord in me. This conversation with MHS was the result of my reflections.
“Who are the bad people now?” … continue reading
Happy Sunday!
Very rough week this week. I’m not sure what to call it: work stress, fighting an illness, energy upgrade symptoms?
Why is it necessary to label it? Why can’t it just be?
It seems to me that there … continue reading
Happy Sunday! I am feeling much better this week – more comfortable in my heart.
Less stress helps.
Yes. I hit that big deadline at work which helped to calm me down for this weekend. But, still there is a … continue reading
Happy Sunday! I want to have a good conversation today.
Connection in my heart; this notebook is not filling up (started a new dream/vision notebook on 1-1-19); as it’s been a long time since posting on my blog.… continue reading
Conversation 14 – from dreams
Happy Sunday!
A couple of weeks ago I watched Open Minds with Regina Meredith, the interview was about lucid dreaming. The guest spoke about how you can work on yourself while lucid dreaming and to … continue reading
Yesterday, 9-15-18, my morning email of “Bowl of Saki” from the teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan had the quote:
“Verily, independence and indifference are the two wings which enable the soul to fly.”
That has hit a nerve (or thorn*) … continue reading
Conversation 11 with higher Self.
Happy Sunday and good morning.
Good morning.
Why do I feel trouble looming? I have to keep reminding myself that things are fine, easy, just a regular day.
Much is coming.
That brought up a … continue reading