Written to release resentment.
By Tricia Bates Smith
Why am I hurting and you’re not? Why am I doing and you’re not? Don’t leave me to have to do it all!
Fine, I’ll do and do and do. Stay out… continue reading
Written to release resentment.
By Tricia Bates Smith
Why am I hurting and you’re not? Why am I doing and you’re not? Don’t leave me to have to do it all!
Fine, I’ll do and do and do. Stay out… continue reading
“I choose the joy of God instead of pain.” ~ ACIM Lesson 190.
This ACIM lesson, from July 9th, was the start of a new beginning in me. While writing the lesson notes, I realized that I had a … continue reading
A poem, by Tricia Bates Smith, 8-7-2023
There is not much here, please do not take any more. People find so little to like as it is.
In response to you, my voice is brusk, with a scowl on my… continue reading
A poem, by Tricia Bates Smith, 7-31-2023
You left when I was so small, leaving a bitter mother and a loss of childhood. He’s no good was all I heard said of you. I worked so hard to make up… continue reading
TBS 7-29-2023, a poem
Bounce, bounce, bounce the ball. Share it with your friend. I’ll just hold onto mine, I’m fine the way I am. But it’s time to play. Look! If I send it out, it comes right back… continue reading
In May I purchased the book “The Body Code” by Bradley Nelson. With my interest in kinesiology, I was very excited when Regina Meredith interviewed him and I learned of his energy healing modality. I began reading the … continue reading
TBS 7-22-2023 poem.
Thump. Thump. Thump. It approaches. Push it back. Bad memory, don’t come. Ow … I don’t want you back!
Thump. Thump. Thump. Why did I do that? I’m an idiot! Did you see how they looked at… continue reading
TBS 7-21-2023 poem.
So deeply hidden, you’ve blocked my uncovering it for so long. Not a wall but a fortress you built around my heart. I’ve worked and worked to improve and grow, only just tending the garden around your… continue reading
TBS 7-20-2023 poem
Made in Your image, filled with light, did I come shining into this world. A family of nine, all with struggles of dark and light on this human path. I didn’t see it as I pranced around… continue reading
TBS 7-19-2023 poem
You didn’t love me as I needed. I hovered around smiling and light filled. You didn’t see my shine; you were just too busy.
You didn’t hold me as I needed. Where were the cuddles? My lite… continue reading