Review of lessons 1-5
[1] Nothing I see means anything.
[2] I have given what I see all the meaning is has for me.
[3] I do not understand anything I see.
[4] These thoughts do not mean anything.… continue reading
[1] Nothing I see means anything.
[2] I have given what I see all the meaning is has for me.
[3] I do not understand anything I see.
[4] These thoughts do not mean anything.… continue reading
I trust God. I write this to reinforce my growth.
I recall all the times I corrected myself by stating that my tribulations were because I did not trust God. So, … continue reading
“Try to hear God’s Voice call to you lovingly, reminding you that your Creator has not forgotten His Son.”
This lesson feels special and true for me today. It supports … continue reading
Happy Sunday!
At my last study group, we all shared what is going on in our lives, and two people had stories of being in service to others in heroic ways. These stories had me saying to myself that I … continue reading
“God is the strength in which I trust.” (L47)
Chatting with classmates from seminary this week, two told of tense times with people that they have chosen to be in service to. I felt … continue reading
“Remember that peace is your right, because you are giving your trust to the strength of God.”
Who will I rely on for my safety? Will it be God, or will … continue reading
“Those who forgive are thus releasing themselves from illusions, while those who withhold forgiveness are binding themselves to them.”
For my practice period I named the people who have been closest … continue reading
In my practice meditation, when I reached for the eternal, I heard ‘Love’ and felt it in my heart. I expanded the Love field to include my whole body.
“Love which … continue reading
“… light reflects life, and in therefore as aspect of creation.”
When my mother was in the nursing home, an aid who worked there told me the story of a lady … continue reading
“You cannot see apart from God because you cannot be apart from God.”
In the language of ACIM, perception is human vision through all the cloudy lenses of judgement … continue reading