T-3.I The Need to Study.
“This course is a mind-training course.” (1.2)
I needed the extra commentary today from CircleofA to help me find the purpose of this section. In the paragraphs that spoke of ‘mental retardation’, I did not see them as how Robert Perry described in the commentary. He said that this was Jesus calling Bill (which extends to us) for making excuses that he could not understand what the Course was saying. Robert uses the term ‘pseudo-retardation’ which helped me to understand that the section is saying we pretend to not understand, especially when the Course is pointing to behaviors within us that are difficult to acknowledge.
Where am I with my study of the Course? I think that I am a diligent student. I stick to my daily practice. It has been more than a year that I notice that I understand more than I question.
Yesterday, I wondered if I was becoming too accepting of all that is taught. I would like to hear from a student who is further along to say if questioning remains important to a soul’s growth, or does personal will aligned with God’s will mean quiet serenity only. I want peace, but I also think that creativity should remain.
This is my question today, HS.