ACIM CE Text notes – Day 42

T-2.X The Real Power of the Mind.


“You have been afraid of God, of me, of yourself, and of practically everyone you know … The vulnerable are essentially mis-creators, because they misperceive creation.” (12.1,4)

I have 3 take-aways from this section:

  1. In paragraph 2, we are told that our mind is always creating (this is an important fact to know and share for when I gain more understanding of creating).
  2. The Real world is much better than I thought. (Pun intended.) My fears and mis-creations (and those of others who influence me) brought about my perceptions of a troubled world.
  3. That I am left wanting direction on how to manage my thoughts.

I think that the next section makes a start of elaborating on these points to help us set our minds straight.

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