T-1.48.10 -26 Miracle principle 48 to paragraphs 10-26.
MP 48 – The miracle is the only device which you have at your disposal for controlling time. Only revelation transcends it, having nothing to do with time at all.
Last night I read a commentary by Ken Wapnick on the FIP’s acim.org website. Much of the page was about why parts of the URText were removed from the FIP version. Ken said that he took the sections on sex ‘with a grain of salt’. He explained that these came early in Helen’s connection so that her ego had stronger influences. Also, that Helen had made the decisions about what went into the original published (FIP) version of ACIM.
I have decided that I will also hold this feeling toward the sections on sex in the CE version – not totally reject them but wait for more understanding if it chooses to appear. (Or just be at peace with not comprehending those sections of the CE Text.)
Paragraphs 19-23 spoke of our underlying belief in lack so we act out of need. Since my study of the Enneagram, I have understood that all base needs, and therefore our greatest lack, is thinking we are separate from God.
Like a fish that doesn’t know what water is, I did not see the Love of God that is the medium in which I move, and breath, and have my being. This Love medium flows toward my, and everyone’s’, highest good.