ACIM CE Text notes – Day 25.

ACIM CE Cameo 11 – The notes on sex.


This cameo provides the history of how Helen received the notes on sex in Chapter 1 and how they were edited out of the original versions of ACIM by her (URText, FIP). Their validity is compared to statements later in the text on ‘special relationships’ and physical attraction. No discrepancies are found (by the authors of the CE) between the early ideas on sex and then later lessons so the CE version has included these notes from Helen’s notebooks.

In his commentary, Robert considers these lessons important as he sees the purpose of ACIM is how Jesus is training miracle workers.

Sex is described as a way of taking our minds from miracle-mindedness (expressing love to others) to identification with the body therefore seeking connection to other bodies.

(This is my understanding of the information. I don’t know that I accept all that is offered. See further notes in Day 27.)

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