T-1.25-27 – Miracle principles 24 -27.
MP 25 summary – miracles and timing, to release the trivial to free time for miracles.
MP 26 summary – miracles rearrange the order of perception, spirit sits above the body.
“Remember that ability is the potential, achievement is its expression, and Atonement is the purpose.” (T-
In this principle, Jesus gives us the slogan ‘Listen, learn, do’. The quote above says to me that power is in us so it is always our potential. It is through action, giving miracles to our siblings, expressing, that we achieve the knowing that we are forgiven and ‘have everything else’ (T-1-26.4.2)
And, it is through action that we reach our purpose of atonement – that there is no separation from God.
MP 27 summary – miracles are universal blessing from God through me to others.