ACIM Lesson 364 notes.

This Holy Instant would I give to You. Be You in charge. For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.


“Be You in charge.”

HS, thank You for Your loving presence in my life.

(Now thinking of the Carole King song, ‘Where You Lead’. It was always a favorite of mine from childhood.)

Has it always been You, HS, who I longed to partner with?


In this Holy Instant, we are together. My heart is filled with gratitude for time in Love’s presence. I am proud of myself for slowing down and asking for connection. Here, I find healing. Here, I find the flow of Love that I have sought my entire life.

Thank You, Father/Mother/HS for being the Comforter to me that Christ Jesus promised.

Promises made; promises kept. I feel further gratitude for evidence of this Truth. As 2023 is ending, I see more than I did before.

Peace is mine. _/\_


Certain that Your direction gives me peace.

“God for us, we call You Father. 
God alongside us, we call you Jesus. 
God within us, we call you Holy Spirit.” 
        ~Fr. Richard Rohr, CAC Daily Meditations, 12-15-2022

When I began this lesson group four days ago, I had to pause from my reading to determine who ‘He’ was.

The last sentence says, “He speaks for God my Father and His holy Son.”

So, not God the Father and not the Christ. It is the Holy Spirit (HS) who the lesson says: helps, gives, makes peaceful and open, is in charge, and will answer me.

For a few years now, I have asked and HS has answered. This year I learned that my body’s innate intelligence is also HS speaking to me.

Also, that a quadrant of my brain, upper right, brings the higher perspective into my intelligence committee (so glad that HS has a seat at the board table).

Then there is my heart who is always in the state of, ‘Be You in charge. For I would follow You, certain that Your direction gives me peace.”

I am well connected to ‘He’ who is within me. For 2023 I would like to gain confidence in ‘He’ who is for me … God the Father.

As well as having eyes to see ‘He’ who is alongside me in the faces of others I meet in this world.

Help HS. _/\_

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