ACIM Lesson 341 notes.

I can attack but my own sinlessness, and it is only that which keeps me safe.


“I am [they] on whom You smile in love and tenderness so dear and deep and still the universe smiles back on You, and shares Your Holiness.” (1.2)


“Let us not, then, attack our sinlessness, for it contains the Word of God to us.”

Our sinlessness is that light of innocence that God placed in us at our creation. It is within us and everyone … perhaps everything. My fearful acts, or thoughts, turn in on me. They show that I do not know my True Self as a Holy Child of God.

I shall drop the knife. It is of no use to me, nor others. I choose to see the light of innocence within me and others.

God’s loving presence is here … is my choice. Within it, I am held secure.


In what way do I attack my sinlessness? Give me an example.

I find myself confused on the word sinlessness; I will think of it as the inner innocence.

To answer my question, I was shown the image of the inner light/Sun of my heart. This reminded me of a recent meditation where I came to realize that I put head/mind energy before my heart.

I attack my sinlessness by first choosing to be separate by using my mind to perceive problems. And, with further delusions, think my mind can solve problems to keep me safe.

I am a cell in the body of All That Is; where the nucleus is at my heart; herein lies my innocence, sinlessness, and connection to Source.

I lead with my heart. I lead with my heart. I lead with my heart.

I am what’s there in my heart.

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