I choose to see my brother’s sinlessness.
“Forgiveness is a choice.” (1.1)
Yesterday, early in the morning, I had a dream in which P and I were traveling and running into many difficulties. He was cussing which disturbed me. I decided in the dream to also verbally express all my fears and anxieties. I did this for a short while and conflict between us was exacerbated. In the dream, I decided it was better to act as I normally do, to keep my peace.
As I think over this dream with these lessons on forgiveness toward my brother/sister, I know I need some growth to not be disturbed, or to judge as bad, others’ reactions to their experiences.
It is tough with P as we live life together so my worry is that his negativity will manifest negative things for us. I forget that light expels darkness. I get to choose to cover my light or to keep it shining through our experiences – and he gets to choose.
I flow in God’s Love. So do my loved ones. Perhaps I will notice them bob, wobble, or even fight the current. I will flow and let my love call to them to follow along.
“What would Love have me do?”
“His holiness reminds me that he was created one with me, and like myself.” (2.2)
I was reflecting on the three faces of God and how one aspect might be represented in Humanism, a religion we are studying this month’s seminary. My mind was imagining what to say to a Humanist to have them get more spiritual. This was ended by the thought, ‘Thank you for doing your part.’
Peace came to me, along with understanding.
Brother/sister, thank you for doing your part. Thank you for exploring the depths of another way to be human, another way to be kind and bring Love into this world.
Humanity – One body in Christ.
“Forgiveness is a choice.” (1.1)
I choose to see the innocence of my brother/sister instead of the complexities my ego makes up. I choose the simple, loving way of seeing sinlessness in others. And so, when I can accept innocence in others, I can also see it within myself.
I forgive.
I return to You, dear Lord.