Let me not bind your son with laws I made.
“He is not bound except by his beliefs.”
This has been a morning of ‘Yes’. There are several new adventures opening up for me in which I have taken my time in responding. I was in a period of fear of the unknown, questioning if people will want more of me (in action or in attitude) than I want to give. And I was resistant to my seminary homework of preparing a worship service. Now, I think that the two are related as a shift has happened in both.
In contemplation yesterday, it came to me that my service could be for ACIM students, and I decided on a theme of the flow of the River of Love. I am noticing once again when my thoughts and beliefs are blocking the flow.
I release the binding of my own creation and let the light in!
I don’t know anything.
I am stressed today with concern for a loved one (not Mom). I can’t seem to stop my mind from spinning through all the ‘what if’ scenarios and possible conversations to have as though I can fix it.
I am binding myself greatly today. I am confused as to whether to stand back or say all the words in my mind. (I hear a strong NO from HS).
I turn back to the prayer from Lesson 275.
“Your healing voice protects all things today, and so I leave all things to You.”
I was just journaling about my resistance to loving and connecting with others. This lesson brings more clarity to this.
My resistance comes from thoughts that I create that bind me and those around me from being free in the flow of Love. My body has been bound by these beliefs of mine. My relationships have also been bound.