ACIM Lesson 222 notes.

God is with me. I live and move in Him.


“Your name upon our [my] lips.”

The review period that has just finished has been a blessing due to the method I used of just simplifying the lesson idea down to one word or a simple phrase. This made it so easy to bring the idea back to mind throughout the day. From this great tool, I brought my heart back into the Presence of Love.

With the start of Part II, my study group wants to add excerpts from the Text into our sharing reflections. I feel resistance toward getting involved with the Text at this time as I feel I’m in need of less words. The words engage my mind, I desire to engage my heart – to have my heart always open which will guide my mind to know that “God is with me.” I feel supported in this as the lesson’s prayer offers the practice of bringing the name of God to my lips and to my heart. <3


“Father, we have no words except Your Name upon our lips and in our minds, as we come quietly into Your Presence now, and ask to rest with You in peace a while.”

I am here, now, with you Loving presence. Clear all my thoughts so with them are released the tensions in this body and mind.

Long breaths come through me.

You and I are together … gratitude fills my heart. I feel a smile on my face.

Is there more? Peace …


As I try to quiet down for this lesson, I feel my heart beating fast, anxious. Today is my mother’s birthday. I will leave shortly to visit her in the nursing home where she is cared for due to body and mental ailments. I want to do the right thing for her to have a few good hours this day, her birthday.

Yeah! I remembered to ask for help!

From this lesson, my attention went to ‘presence’. I saw myself taking my mother’s hand (soul to soul) and leading her to sit along side me in God’s presence. _/\_

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