Salvation of the world depends on me.
“It is pride that would dent the Call for God Himself.” (par.3)
“Let it go. Salvation of the world depends on you, and not upon this little pile of dust.” (par.7)
Oh! Thank You for reminding me to step into my bigger true Self to hear this lesson and recognize the truth of this calling. My small self feels all of the resistance and fear the lesson describes. But my true Self is ready to do as God wills.
I can see others differently to then forgive. I can clear the blocks within me to allow Love of Creation to flow through me.
“For Love must give, and what is given in His Name takes on the form most useful in the world of form.” (par.13)
I have a part in salvation of this world. I desire this. I want to grow in Love and to give Love. I want to do my part. I have released the arrogance the lesson speaks of. I don’t feel that worthiness even comes into play. Why would someone need any specialness (or worthiness) to just do their part in bringing more Love into the world? People may feel unworthy of being forgiven, but it seems illogical to me that people would feel unworthy of forgiving. (Forgive my arrogance in these notes.)
Then again … arrogance can keep people from forgiving. And there are those who feel so small that they have little within themselves to give to another in forgiveness. These thoughts help me to understand how arrogance and unworthiness block the flow of Love in this world.
I do my part by not holding either false belief within me any longer.
“Salvation of the world depends on you who can forgive.”
I get it! I am one who can forgive.
I wonder though if I can receive and accept forgiveness?
“He has thoughts which answer every need His Son perceives, although He sees them not.” 13.4
“These are the forms which never can deceive, because they come from Formlessness Itself. Forgiveness is an earthly form of love, which as it is in Heaven has no form.” 14.1&2
It helps to know that forgiveness is a gift of great Love, needed in this world, so very special when offered to me. I feel greater appreciation to do my part to receive the Love of God flowing in this world.
This statement seems scary until it is accepted just as a fact and not something that must be acted upon. The first few paragraphs in the lesson explain this.
Listen for what you would have me do.
“Salvation of the world depends on you who can forgive. Such is your function here.”
I can forgive. I know to ask ‘how I can look at things differently’ to see my mind’s initial thoughts are questionable.
I don’t know!