ACIM Lesson 132 notes.

I loose the world from all I thought it was.


“For I am real because the world is not, and I would know my own reality.”

There is only Love — this is reality.

Last weekend I was in seminary class, via Zoom. I feel much more comfortable now with sharing with my classmates. I had good conversations in the breakout groups and even shared a story in the full class space. In the Zoom chat I saw a few comments about me. All were good but it still felt uncomfortable.

On Monday morning, as I reflected on the weekend, I recognized that I was ‘flying high’. (My vibration was very high, and I was joyful.) This brought the thought that it was due to my high vibration that I was being noticed.

I share this story as it relates to what is offered in paragraph 16 about our healing spreads to many across the world.

“But you will sense your own release, although you may not fully understand as yet that you could never be released alone.”

I feel blessed. Part of this feeling is the gratitude of knowing my growth in Love is for all the world.

“I loose the world from all I thought it was, and choose my own reality instead.”



“And choose my own reality instead.”

What does this mean?

I am as God created me, Holy Child of God.

I exist eternally as a being of light, innocent, always within the presence of Love. This is true of me and of all God’s creations.

“Christ, another name for everything.” ~ Richard Rohr

This is the reality I choose where we all see one another with Christ’s vision, with truth of the One Love within everything.


I’m currently reading Kathleen McGowan’s book, The Source of Miracles and was journaling about surrender before working on this lesson. The author provides exercises to the six-petal-rose segments of the Lord’s Prayer, surrender being a petal. I journaled about my fear of sharing my spiritual beliefs with others.

The title of this lesson showed me that it was associated with what I had just written down as a new awareness – that it is best to surrender to God’s way.

This lesson adds to my insights and reasons for letting go, that I create all this nonsense and that I can just change my mind. I have understood for a long time that you can just change your mind about situations and experiences that bring up suffering, struggle, and trauma. This lesson is to release everything of this world.

The world is nothing in itself … you found exactly what you looked for when you came here.

My creation. I know God’s creation is waaaaaaaaaaay better.

God’s way.

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