ACIM Lesson 123 notes.

I thank my Father for His gifts to me.


I am thankful that God has not left me to myself; that He has saved me from what I thought had replaced Him; that His Love forever shines on me making me changeless; that I have a function of salvation to fulfill; that I am valued more than what I perceive myself to be.

In the CAC Daily Meditation today, a form of prayer was offered. It was to just speak to God of everything within, ‘like talking to your best friend’. Then, once you have said everything, silently rest in God. Let God hold you.

Holy Child of God.

Thank You, Father/Mother for always being with me.


“Today in gratitude … we smile on everyone we see, and walk with lightened footsteps as we go to do what is appointed us to do.”

A day of gratitude feels so appropriate; I just jotted down my angel meditation from yesterday so am feeling well loved this morning.

There are tensions in my household. It is with ease that I let them pass to turn over to the angels that love and support us.

Thank you, Lord, for all the gifts provided to me. Thank you for this Course that teaches me to use them.

In gratitude, your loving child,



Thank you, God: for the beauty around me; for the other souls I get to share with; for the abundance that affirms Your blessings; for the expanding lessons in Love; for my guides and HS; for this body as my guide and communicator; for all the parts and characters within me that bring challenges and enrichment to this life.

“Created in the image of God.”

So many parts of me that I am thankful for …

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